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5 Tips for Choosing Organic Food


Organic food is a great choice for our health and the health of the environment.

One benefit that is clear when it comes to choosing organic is that the more organic food we eat in place of conventional food, the less toxins and toxic residues we ingest. Researchers have found that even low-level exposure to pesticides can affect the nervous system leading to neurological and behavioural problems.

In this article you will learn how to properly select and buy all organic foods - from meat, to fruits and vegetables. You will also learn how to choose the right farm and manufacturer.

Organic food for a long time ago is not just a trend, because health does not have to be chosen. Organic foods are not only part of our healthy diet, but a way of life and values ​​that we must preserve to provide a healthy environment for future generations. Studies show that organic foods are better quality, with low levels of nitrates, pesticides and toxic substances. Organic fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and stronger, nicer flavours than conventional foods.

Studies have also shown that the continued use of conventional foods treated with pesticides has a negative effect on children and growing up, which is why it is not surprising that more and more parents are opting for organic foods.

Health should not be a luxury, and organic and healthy foods should be accessible to everyone. The challenge is to set a budget for buying any food. But with a combination of organic, home-grown and naturally grown food, you can provide the best for your family and with a modest budget.

1. How and Where to Buy Fresh Organic Foods?

Because they have a shorter shelf life, but you still need to set aside money for these foods, the best options are local markets, online ordering from farms that have daily or weekly delivery as well as open farms.

This is why markets are a better option and delivery made directly by the manufacturers as you will be sure that something is picked up and packed just for you. Most manufacturers use eco-delivery services, which is why you should not think that your groceries will be handled in shady shipping. Most organic farms are open type, where you can even pick your own produce.

2. Why is it important to buy certain quantities of organic foods?

Studies have shown that organic fruits and vegetables deteriorate significantly faster than non-organic ones.

Regardless of adequate storage, the shelf life of organic and common apples is not the same, which is why it is necessary to rationalize quantities and take in foods as needed. The same goes for vegetables, especially organic lettuce, chard and kale, which still have no added chemicals to extend the freshness.

When it comes to meat, if you buy it in markets, the question of freshness is also questionable. You will later freeze such meat in large quantities after which the quality will be much lower. Buy smaller quantities of meat that you will use the same day.

3. How do I make sure I buy an organic product?

If you only want organic foods, what sets them apart is a special label issued by a government institution that certifies that the product is organically certified. The question is a national sign, a special logo in a prominent place and with a clear inscription. The national mark guarantees the correctness, control and certification of the product under strict conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection. During the three years that the process of obtaining the certification or preparation of land and cultivation according to organic principles takes place, organic producers are allowed to sell these products, but with the indication that they are from the conversion period.

Pay attention to the declarations!

Also pay attention to the prefixes on declarations, because "Eco", "Bio" and "Organic" do not mean that the product is organic. Only if the product has a certificate, it must have the appropriate label or logo to confirm its correctness. You can also find products labelled "home made". Although it is not an organic product because the manufacturer has not opted for certification, such products are generally obtained naturally without the use of any artificial preparations.

4. How do I find a trusted manufacturer?

Confidence is certainly crucial whenever buying food is at stake. If you live in a larger city and do not have the opportunity to have your family deliver local produce from the countryside, then surrounding farms, markets and online delivery are good options. You will easily reach those who offer the highest quality, both organic and natural. You will be safest if you buy organic food from proven, certified producers and farms.

5. Why is organic always the best option no matter the price?

Organic farms are a healthy environment to work and live. Organic soil is not subject to erosion and is much richer in minerals. Organic livestock farming preserves old animal species, and organic beekeeping provides the healthiest honey and preserves bees in the best way. Proper grocery shopping will ensure the intake of healthy and essential nutrients for the whole family. Buying food is a process that needs special attention, and organic foods make it somewhat easier for you. By supporting and using organic foods you provide a better quality of life, health and environment for yourself and future generations.


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